The District Grand Lodge of Barbados
Image Shown: The Right Worshipful District Grand Master of Barbados, with the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, and the commissioned Office Bearers of the District Grand Lodge of Barbados.
From R to L:
Brother Andre S. F. Harding, Right Worshipful District Grand Master
Brother William Ramsay McGhee M.St J, D. L., Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason
Brother Leighton F. Waterman, Worshipful Depute District Grand Master
Brother Alfred A. Taylor, Worshipful Substitute District Grand Master
Brother Norman L. Yearwood J.P., Worshipful District Grand Secretary
Brother Henderson E. Franklin, Worshipful District Grand Chaplain
Brother George A. Ramsay, Worshipful District Grand Chaplain
Brother Joel W. Headley, Worshipful District Grand Chaplain, Hon. SDGW

The District Grand Master
Brother Andre Sean Frederick Harding was appointed as District Grand Master of the District Grand Lodge of
Barbados on February 4, 2021. This marked the next step in a stellar masonic career, especially given his age. Less than 50 years old at that time. Brother Harding was initiated into Lodge Pelican 1750 on April 1, 1999 and served as Master of his mother Lodge in 2013. He subsequently became a Joining Member and Past Master of Albion Lodge 196 ER and The Preceptors Memorial Lodge 9714 EC. He is also a Past warden of Anguilla Masters Lodge 9355 EC and is a founding member of Waladli Lodge 9887 EC (Antigua). In addition to the Craft level, he is also a member of other Orders, serving in various offices. These include Past Thrice Illustrious Master in the Albion Cryptic Council 349, Past Commander Noah in Albion Lodge and Council 349 and Past Z in Albion Royal Arch Chapter 349. He has also been conferred with the 30th degree in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite for Scotland.
Commissioned Office Bearers
Brother Leighton F. Waterman, Worshipful Depute District Grand Master
Brother Alfred A. Taylor, Worshipful Substitute District Grand Master
Brother Norman L. Yearwood J.P., Worshipful District Grand Secretary
Brother Henderson E. Franklin, Worshipful District Grand Chaplain
Brother George A. Ramsay, Worshipful District Grand Chaplain
Brother Joel W. Headley, Worshipful District Grand Chaplain
Brother Leighton Finbar Waterman was initiated into Lodge St. Andrew 1509 on January 27, 2003, at the old Spry Street temple during the mastership of Brother Floyd Taylor. He was subsequently passed in May 2003 and raised in October of the same year.
Brother Alfred Taylor was initiated in Lodge St. Andrew 1509 in April 2009. To say that he quickly embraced freemasonry would be an understatement; for not long after his initiation he was a regular visitor, and in 2012 became an affiliate of Lodge Unity 1625 and Lodge St. John 1062, serving as organist in both. He moved on to serve as Secretary in Lodge Unity from 2018 to 2021 and moved up the ranks of Lodge St. John, going to that Chair in 2017. He is also a joining member and Past Master of the Research Lodge of Amity 9073 EC.
Brother Norman L. Yearwood's Masonic career began in 2005 when he was initiated in Lodge Thistle 1014. He served as Secretary for four (4) years 2008 to 2012 and then as Master for the year 2016/17. He
currently holds the rank of Honorary Junior District Grand Warden and is also a Past District Grand Chaplain. Brother Yearwood is also a Past 1st Principal in Scotia Royal Arch Chapter 65 and is a member
of Scotia Lodge and Council 65 and Kilwinning Rose Croix Chapters.
Brother Henderson Euparker Franklin was initiated into freemasonry in Lodge Pelican 1750 on April 3, 1997, passed on the March 5, 1998, raised on the August 6, 1998, Mark Master Mason on the November 3, 2000, and became the master on the May 5, 2011. He is also a qualified licensed electrician with 30 years’ experience and his hobbies are swimming and hiking.
Brother Ramsay is the first born of two sons of the late Brother George Arthur Ramsay Snr., PSDGM. He was initiated into Lodge Unity, his father’s lodge on the December 14, 2007, and was raised on the October 28, 2009. He was installed into the chair of King Solomon and became Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Unity 1625 on the April 10, 2015. He received his Mark degree on the November 13, 2009, and he subsequently joined Scotia Royal Arch #65 on in June 2011, and was exalted January 12, 2012. He is also a member of St Giles Preceptory 3182 and Barbados Kilwinning Rose Croix Chapter.
Brother Joel Wymple Headley born 24th April,1961 was initiated into Lodge Scotia 340SC on 20th February, 2006, passed on 19 June, 2006, raised to the degree of Master Mason on 18 September, 2006, received the Mark Degree on 16th June 2008 and installed as Master on 18 November 2013. He has filled the role of Assistant Secretary and is the current Treasurer of his mother lodge. He gives back to the community by devoting time to support Non-Governmental Organisations with feeding the most vulnerable on a weekly basis through an organized feeding programme.